Shropshire chess legend David Everington is being honoured with the Division One trophy in the county league being named after him. The suggestion of naming a major trophy after Everington, who was the heart and soul of Shropshire chess over six decades, was discussed at the annual meeting of Shropshire Chess Association.
A number of major chess trophies are named after leading figures from the past in the local game, such as the Cox Trophy awarded for the summer knockout and the E G Groom Trophy awarded for the individual competition. Everington, who died at the turn of the year, was county champion on nine occasions, a former president of the association, and was president of Shrewsbury chess club. He was an inspiration and mentor for many young players starting competitive chess.
Among other decisions at the meeting, the coronavirus crisis has led to chess action over the past year or so being played online, and it was agreed that there should continue to be an online Shropshire league even as face-to-face chess resumes in the new season. It was agreed that Blue Badge holders will be able to request that their games are played online, with the agreement of both captains. Tony Preece was elected general secretary.
Meanwhile Chris Lewis is appealing for volunteers to help him run a new Junior Chess Club. “I have sufficient volunteers to get the club off the ground but am still hoping to find a few more that can act as reserve to help maintain our child-adult supervision ratios for when others are unavailable. The role would be primarily supervising the kids and watching the doors or dealing with the parents. The club will be held at the Nerdy Cafe in Shrewsbury on Saturdays between 11am and 1pm and the planned start date is September 4.”