Colin Roberts Memorial Trophy

Congratulations to Tony Preece – 2022-23 winner.

Entries are invited to the 2023-2024 Colin Roberts Memorial Trophy, which is a prize for the best game played over the board by a Shropshire player in any league, event  or competition anywhere during the 2023-2024 season, excluding games played at quickplay and blitz time limits.

The winner will be chosen by an independent panel of judges drawn from across the Shropshire Chess League. Deadline for entries is July 31, 2024, with the intention that the winner will be chosen and the prize awarded before the start of the new season. Entries to organiser Toby Neal at with details of the date/event/opponent and of course with the moves.

“If you know how, please send in PGN format (so the entries can be posted in play-overable form on the website).

Colin Roberts

Note: if viewing the games on a mobile device, use the three line icon at bottom right to access the list of games.

Previous winners:

2023Tony PreeceShortlist of games 2022-23
2022Glyn PughShortlist of games 2021-22
2021William BatesShortlist of games 2020-21
2020Nigel FerringtonShortlist of games 2019-20