2024 Online Shropshire Junior Grand Prix

Name Arena 1 Arena 2 Arena 3 Arena 4 Arena 5 Arena 6 Top 4
Rudi Bedford 55 63 49 46     213
Krishnaswaroop Thimmegowda 50 46 49 59     204
Ryan Barton 47 35         82
Waylon Chan     16 39     55
Archie Flavell 39           39
Ellis Sharp 15 21 4       40
Rhys MacMillan 32           32
Ellick Spiers 30           30
Henry Bedford 21   8       29
Dyfan Steele     22       22
Edward Nadine 9 12         21
Jacob Caldecott 16           16
Koby Titley 12           12
Jacob Caldecott 16           16
Noah Garvey 2           2

The Shropshire Junior Grand Prix is a 6-tournament competition held across the season (January-December). Each competition consists of an arena held online on Lichess.

2024 Eligibility
Junior players must either be:
Born in Shropshire
Resident in Shropshire
At School in Shropshire

Attend a Chess Club in Shropshire

A player is a junior if their age at 1st September 2023 is below 18.

Entry Fee
There is no entry fee.

Schedule of Tournaments
6 arena tournaments will be held across the year during the holidays on lichess. A link to the arena’s will be emailed out by the Head of Junior Chess (christopher.d.lewis44@gmail.com).

Tournament 1: Sunday 18th February 2.00pm

Tournament 2: Wednesday 3rd April 2.00pm

Tournament 3: Sunday 26th May 2.00pm

Tournament 4: Saturday 24th August 2.00pm

Tournament 5: Sunday 27th October 7.00pm


Tournament 6: Saturday 21st December 2.00pm


Arena passwords: email christopher.d.lewis44@gmail.com to enter

1st Place – £10
2nd Place – £5
2 rating prizes £5 (rating brackets set by tournament controller shortly after tournament begins)

The prize fund is sponsored by Newport Chess Club.

All ratings will be as at the date of the tournament. Ratings will be determined in this priority:
1) ECF Online rapid rating
2) ECF OTB rapid rating
3) ECF OTB standard rating

“P” ratings will be ignored.

Grand Prix Scores
A player’s grand prix score will be the sum of the players 4 highest arena scores.

In the event of a tie the title will be shared.

The overall winner of the grand prix will receive the trophy to be presented at the Shropshire Junior Chess Congress.

The Shropshire Head of Junior Chess reserves the right to make decisions on situations not covered by these rules, or to amend these rules during the season.