Shropshire Summer Quickplay

The Shropshire summer quickplay tournament has been fixed for Sunday, July 9, at the Maddocks chess club, Oakengates.

The club opens at 11.30am and play will start at noon sharp and will continue to 6pm or thereabouts.

Deadline for team entries is Wednesday, June 28. At least four teams will be needed for a viable competition. The early deadline for entries is so that we can give the venue adequate notice if there is any problem, and so save our deposit.

Please can club captains notify tournament organiser Toby Neal by that date whether they are, or are not, entering a team/s. His email is

Exact format and time control will depend on the number of entries but in the past has been a league followed by a semi final and final. Detailed rules will be posted in due course, but the competition is for teams of five players, playing for their normal clubs. 

However, if somebody wants to take part whose club has not entered, they will be allowed to be fielded as guest players.