Shropshire Secondary Schools Chess Championships

All secondary schools in Shropshire are invited to participate in the Shropshire Secondary Schools Chess Championships.

Each school team consists of 6 players and schools may enter more than 1 team. All players must be born on or after 31st August 2006 (yr 12 and below).
Space considerations mean we may limit the numbers of teams a school can enter and the number of rounds will depend on the number of entries. There is no entry fee.

Venue: Habderdasher’s Adams, Newport High Street, TF10 7BD
Date: TBD

Zonal Prizes
1st Gold Medals
2nd Silver Medals
3rd Bronze Medals
The winning school will receive the trophy to keep for 1 year.

Any questions can be sent to the tournament organiser:

Christopher Lewis
Shropshire Head of Junior Chess
07508 487092 or 01630 801860