4NCL Online Season 2 – Shropshire 2

Division 2 (Group C)

P W D L SB Pts
Catford Cosmonauts 1 7 6 0 1 66 12
Mushrooms 1 7 5 1 1 68 11
Hull & Beverley Romans 1 7 4 1 2 45 9
The Rook1Es 7 4 0 3 48 8
CSC2 7 2 2 3 26 6
Ashfield Anonymous A 7 2 1 4 16 5
Shropshire 2 7 1 1 5 25 3
Oxford 2 7 1 0 6 6 2



25th August
Round 1
Shropshire 2 1888 The Rook1Es 2027
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Olusegun Ilesanmi WiseShegzy 1915 B 1 0 Max Walker maxwalkerchess 2080
George Kolbusz kolly2020 1900 W 0 1 Oliver Stubss Unagi5 2072
Matt Clark Budapest23 1870 B 1 0 Chirag Hosdurga chiragissupercool 2050
Rajeev Raghaven jeeves-rp 1870 W 0.5 0.5 Aron Saunders QueenEatingDragon 1907
2.5 1.5
8th September
Round 2
Shropshire 2 1898 Ashfield Anonymous A 1986
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Christopher Lewis ChristopherLewis 1922 W 0 1 Paul Madden PaulMad 2087
George Kolbusz kolly2020 1900 B 0 1 John Garnett JohnUTB 1960
Glyn Pugh preAlpha59 1900 W 0.5 0.5 Richard Truman kingrich3 2035
Matt Clark Budapest23 1870 B 0.5 0.5 David Flynn WickedUK 1862
1 3
22nd September
Round 3
Shropshire 2 1871 Catford Cosmonauts 1 2098
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Olusegun Ilesanmi WiseShegzy 1915 B 1 0 Mikhail Sedykh Barcelonski 2192
Glyn Pugh preAlpha59 1900 W 0 1 Madara Orlovska hopechesscl 2125
Rajeev Raghavan jeeves-rp 1870 B 0 1 Mike Roberts grunervelt 2042
Mark Smith marksmith77 1802 W 0 1 Martin Gruau mgru 2035
1 3
6th October
Round 4
Shropshire 2 1911 Mushrooms 1 2137
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Neil Clarke silhillian 1952 W 0 1 Thomas Villiers (CM) Squaretaker 2252
Christopher Lewis ChristopherLewis 1922 B 0 1 Simon Wilks Mrsunto5 2207
Glyn Pugh preAlpha59 1900 W 1 0 David Scott oaksage 2057
Matt Clark Budapest23 1870 B 0 1 David Wilson DavidWilson1980 2035
1 3
20th October
Round 5
Shropshire 2 1898 Oxford 2 1978
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
George Kolbusz kolly2020 1900 B 0 1 Otto Rasanen Andilaama 2035
Glyn Pugh preAlpha59 1900 W 1 0 Andrejs Olehovics Behemotus 2050
Matt Clark Budapest23 1870 B 0 1 Chris Finn iamletmethink 1877
Christopher Lewis ChristopherLewis 1922 W 0 1 Edgar Wilson Finn78 1952
1 3
3rd November
Round 6
Shropshire 2 1909 CSC 2 2044
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Neil Clarke silhillian 1952 B 0.5 0.5 Peter Hasson PeterHasson 2072
Olusegun Ilesanmi WiseShegzy 1915 W 1 0 Colin Garwood ColinGarwood 2087
George Kolbusz kolly2020 1900 B 0 1 Nikoaos Kallitsis kfroussos21 2034
Matt Clark Budapest23 1870 W 0 1 Maurice Lawson redsonning 1983
1.5 2.5
17th November
Round 7
Shropshire 2 1909 Hull Romans 1 2044
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Christopher Lewis ChristopherLewis 1922 W 0.5 0.5 Tim Chesters TimChesters 2222
Olusegun Ilesanmi WiseShegzy 1915 B 0.5 0.5 Douglas Vleeshhouwer vleeshhd 2065
George Kolbusz kolly2020 1900 W 0.5 0.5 Steve Hodge train657 1997
Glyn Pugh preAlpha59 1900 B 0.5 0.5 Tim Turner Bananaandcustard 1892
2 2

1st December – Semi Finals

15th December – Finals

Next Page – Shropshire 3